Session 1: College and Career Readiness Workshop: Supporting Student Success in the Era of COVID-19

Session 1: College and Career Readiness Workshop: Supporting Student Success in the Era of COVID-19

The college years—whether in-person or remote—are a period of growth and change, and helping students thrive in that environment can have an enormous impact on the rest of their lives. This is the first part of the enlightening two-part virtual workshop series, Helping Students Get THROUGH College in an Unprecedented Time: A Workshop for Higher Education Professionals, led by nationally recognized higher education expert Adam A. Smith, that equips college/university practitioners with the skills and knowledge to effectively coach students to succeed in higher education and beyond.

This session offers strategies for intentionally creating a sense of belonging for all students and will outline the key components of a First-Year Studies curriculum:

  • Learn strategies for intentionally creating a sense of belonging for all students
  • Utilize holistic and intrusive success coaching to amplify student success
  • Create special places and spaces that engage students
  • Learn the key components of a First-Year Studies curriculum
  • Discover how to use analytics and intentional communication throughout the admissions life cycle of prospect, admit, matriculation, and enrollment to ensure freshman year success
  • Get tips on integrating career readiness competencies into the classroom.
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